Thursday, November 18, 2010


Fatigue Cause No. 1: Not Enough Sleep

It may seem obvious but you could be getting too little sleep. That can negatively affect your concentration and health. Adults should get seven to eight hours every night.

Fix: Make sleep a priority and keep a regular schedule. Ban laptops, cell phones, and PDAs from your bedroom. Still having trouble? Seek help from a doctor. You may have a sleep disorder.

Fatigue Cause No. 2: Sleep Apnea

Some people think they're sleeping enough, but sleep apnea gets in the way. It briefly stops your breathing throughout the night. Each interruption wakes you for a moment, but you may not be aware of it. The result: you're sleep-deprived despite spending eight hours in bed.

Fix: Lose weight if you're overweight, quit smoking, and sleep with a CPAP device to help keep airway passages open at night

Fatigue Cause No. 3: Not Enough Fuel

Eating too little causes fatigue, but eating the wrong foods can also be a problem. Eating a balanced diet helps keep your blood sugar in a normal range and prevents that sluggish feeling when your blood sugar drops.

Fix: Always eat breakfast and try to include protein and complex carbs in every meal. For example, eat eggs with whole-grain toast. Also eat meals and snacks throughout the day for sustained energy.

Fatigue Cause No. 4: Anemia

Anemia is a leading cause of fatigue in women. Menstrual blood loss can cause an iron deficiency, putting women at risk. Red blood cells (shown here) are needed because they carry oxygen to your tissues and organs.

Fix: For anemia caused by an iron deficiency, taking iron supplements and eating iron-rich foods, such as lean meat, liver, shellfish, beans, and enriched cereal, can help.

Fatigue Cause No. 5: Depression

You may think of depression as an emotional disorder, but it contributes to many physical symptoms as well. Fatigue, headaches, and loss of appetite are among the most common symptoms. If you feel tired and “down” for more than a couple of weeks, see your doctor.

Fix: Depression responds well to psychotherapy and/or medication

Fatigue Cause No. 6: Hypothyroidism

The thyroid is a small gland at the base of your neck. It controls your metabolism, the speed at which your body converts fuel into energy. When the gland is underactive and the metabolism functions too slowly, you may feel sluggish and put on weight.

Fix: If a blood test confirms your thyroid hormones are low, synthetic hormones can bring you up to speed.

Fatigue Cause no. 7: Caffeine Overload

Caffeine can improve alertness and concentration in moderate doses. But too much can increase heart rate, blood pressure, and jitteriness. And research indicates too much actually causes fatigue in some people.

Fix: Gradually cut back on coffee, tea, chocolate, soft drinks, and any medications that contain caffeine. Stopping suddenly can cause caffeine withdrawal and more fatigue

Fatigue Cause No. 8: Hidden UTI

If you've ever had a urinary tract infection (UTI), you're probably familiar with the burning pain and sense of urgency. But the infection does not always announce itself with such obvious symptoms. In some cases, fatigue may be the only sign. A urine test can quickly confirm a UTI.

Fix: Antibiotics are the cure for UTI's, and the fatigue will usually vanish within a week.

Fatigue Cause No. 9: Diabetes

In people with diabetes, abnormally high levels of sugar remain in the bloodstream instead of entering the body's cells, where it would be converted into energy. The result is a body that runs out of steam despite having enough to eat. If you have persistent, unexplained fatigue, ask your doctor about being tested for diabetes.

Fix: Treatments for diabetes may include lifestyle changes, insulin therapy, and medications to help the body process sugar

Fatigue Cause No 10: Dehydration

Your fatigue can be a sign of dehydration. Whether you're working out or working a desk job, your body needs water to work well and keep cool. If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated.

Fix: Drink water throughout the day so your urine is light colored. Have at least two cups of water an hour or more before a planned physical activity. Then, sip throughout your workout and afterwards drink another two cups.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I'm working hard to understand the Polymerase Chain Reaction...

Monday, November 8, 2010

10 Tips for Breast Cancer Prevention

  • Avoid becoming overweight
  • Eat healthy
  • Keep physically active
  • Don't drink alcohol
  • Avoid hormone replacement therapy
  • Consider taking an estrogen-blocking drug
  • Don’t smoke
  • Breast-feed your babies
  • Participate in a research study
  • Get fit and support breast cancer research at the same time

20 Common Illnesses in the Developing World

  • Malaria
    Doctors use combination therapies with an artemisinin base in treatment, and a combination of vaccines and insect-proof netting prevent all four strains — transmitted exclusively by mosquito bites.

  • Influenza
    In developed nations, vaccines prevent between 70% and 90% of cases and reduce the risk of death in the elderly by 80%. Most strains are highly curable, and death rates remain low in nations with enough resources to prevent and control outbreaks. However, developing nations must contend with anywhere between 250,000 to 500,000 fatalities year, most of them over the age of 65.

  • Asthma
    Compared to most conditions and diseases out there, asthma kills far fewer people and causes serious issues in developed and developing nations alike. No cure exists for the 300 million individuals affected by respiratory disorder, though inhalers and painstaking care to avoid allergens and other triggers do alleviate some of the problems. In 2005, asthma killed about 255,000 people worldwide, and children in developing nations without the proper mechanisms stand as the most vulnerable demographic.

  • Lower Respiratory Infections
    In 2004, lower respiratory infections killed 2.94 million people in developing areas. WHO's statistics show it as the number one killer. Bronchitis and pneumonia (covered below) usually require antibiotics for successful treatment, which are sadly not always an option in poorer corners of the world.

  • Pneumonia
    This nasty LRI kills more children worldwide than any other disease, with a tragic death toll of 1.8 million, and more people than measles, AIDS complications and malaria combined. WHO believes that 20% of afflicted children do not receive nearly enough antibiotics to counteract the infection. In Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia alone, it accounts for around 85% of deaths yearly.

  • Syphilis: Two million pregnant women in South Asia contract syphilis every year, with 80% resulting in prenatal and antenatal tragedies. Stillbirths and miscarriages are sadly common, and many newborns enter the world with the disease, a painfully low birth weight and/or some other type of infection. And all this could be prevented with greater access to testing, penicillin and prenatal care.

  • Cholera
    Sanitary water supplies, oral rehydration salts and a supplementary oral vaccine can all prevent this violent digestive disease. Eighty percent of the 3 to 5 million estimated cases worldwide may not have happened were treatments more readily available. Perhaps, the 100,000 to 120,000 deaths. Interestingly enough, 75% of infected people never even develop symptoms.

  • Measles
    WHO considers measles one of the deadliest childhood illnesses that can be easily prevented with a vaccine. It considers South Asia the most afflicted region. Limited access to vaccines and compromised immune systems greatly contribute to the continuing issue.

  • Tuberculosis
    About one-third of the world's population hosts the TB bacillus virus, but only between 5% and 10% ever grow ill from it. That may sound like a low percentage, but tuberculosis ended up claiming 1.3 million lives in 2008, though the numbers have been dropping. There are vaccines and drugs available to curtail it, but some strains have evolved that resist both — though treatment options exist for them as well.

  • Prematurity
    Even in the developed parts of the world, prematurity still occurs — though hospitals possess enough resources to keep most suffering newborns stable. But diseases and inadequate or nonexistent prenatal care render prematurity and low birth weight one of the leading causes of death in low-income nations. An estimated 3 million stillbirths and 1 million premature fatalities happen annually, with most of the latter occurring within the first 28 days after birth.

  • Tetanus
    Though highly preventable and treatable, 61,000 people worldwide died of tetanus in less than 5 years prior to 2008. Most of these obviously occurred in developing nations with limited medical resources, and neonatal tetanus ranks as one of the disease's most tragic manifestations. 59,000 infants died of the disease in 2008. Though far lower than previous years, WHO's efforts to eradicate it entirely have not yet come to fruition.

  • Pertussis
    Better known as whooping cough, pertussis killed 195,000 children in 2008 — almost all of them living in developing nations. Vaccinations prevented an estimated 687,000 fatalities, but not nearly enough were available to stop the disease entirely. They are also most effective when administered to infants and young children.

  • Hepatitis B
    Even adults who survive hepatitis B as children face a heightened risk of developing cancer or cirrhosis in the liver. About 2 billion people in the world have contracted the virus, with 350 million suffering from chronic symptoms and 600,000 dying yearly. The vaccine available to prevent and fight the disease boasts a 95% success rate, but the usual shortages and logistical issues make it difficult to bring it to those needing it most.

  • Diphtheria
    Even with proper immunization and treatment with antitoxins and antibiotics, diphtheria still kills between 5% and 10% of patients yearly. The highest percentage of fatalities occurs in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, with between 17% and 23% succumbing to the contagious respiratory disease.

  • Polio
    Many in developed nations tout polio as "a thing of the past," but the reality for their developing neighbors is far grimmer. Successful vaccination programs have wiped it out in most of the world, but India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria still report new cases; so long as it exists, it can spread. Children — the disease's preferred demographic — in 25 countries faced re-infection between 2003 and 2005, with 1 in every 200 cases experiencing irreversible paralysis. Between 5% and 10% of these kids will die of polio when the muscles needed for respiration succumb to it.

  • Typhoid
    Vaccines for this violent water-based infection are available, but it does not provide full coverage.
    Education and improved public health remains only way developing nations can fully prevent the 17 million instances of typhoid occurring each year. Ten percent of cases end in death, though proper antibiotic treatment lowers the number all the way down to 1%.

  • Yellow Fever
    This virus mostly affects tropical developing nations in Africa and the Americas, though worldwide it roughly results in 200,000 diagnoses and 30,000 deaths every year. No definitive cure exists, so survivors have symptom treating to thank, but a highly effective vaccine exists. Within a week, the immunization kicks in and provides prevention with 95% effectiveness for 30 to 35 years. Sadly, environmental, political, economic and public health issues have led to an increase in cases.

  • Perinatal and Neonatal Diseases
    In 2004, WHO considered it one of the top ten killers that year. Causes do differ from patient to patient, of course, but many of these medical issues come from untreated STDs in the mother. Statistics for syphilis were mentioned earlier, but 10% of fetuses and infants exposed to gonococcal infections will also die either in or shortly after exiting the womb — just to give an example. Providing access to proper prenatal care and any drugs needed to kill infections exists as the best possible solution to the problem, but it is — alas — easier said than done.

  • Diarrheal Diseases
    Considered the third highest cause of disease-related fatalities in developing regions, the various diarrheal diseases kill 1.81 million — or 6.9% of the population – people yearly. Most of these involve microbial contamination with varying treatments and vaccines (if any) depending on the strain. However, ensuring clean water, food and personal hygiene amongst the populace is the only route towards near-complete eradication.

  • Severe Acute Malnutrition
    Most of WHO's statistics regarding severe acute malnutrition revolves around children under 5, the most vulnerable demographic. Thirty-five percent of childhood deaths worldwide come about due to poor nutrition both inside and outside the womb. Not every nation possesses the resources (or, sadly, compassion) necessary to ward off malnutrition in its peoples, which is the only path towards sustained public health. Aid programs and hospitals, however, offer special regimens meant to nurture the afflicted in a safe, humane manner and get them to eat and soak up necessary nutrients. But it's a temporary fix for a much larger, overarching issue.

  • 5 Reason Why You Must Go To Sleep Early

    1 Going to Sleep Early is Very Important for the Liver’s Health

    37 years old doctor from National Taiwan Hospital shocked his colleagues since he was diagnosed having a liver cancer although he always does laboratorial test (GOT, GPT and Liver Function Index). Despite that the doctor diligently does the test, there is a possibility that the disease is undetected. There is no better way to avoid the liver disease rather than preventing the disease as early as possible. And sleep is essential thing we must do to prevent liver disease as from 11.00pm till 01.00am, de-toxification process in our livers occur. This process will be optimal when we are sleeping deeply. Sleeping early and help you liver works well.

    2 Going to Sleep Early is Good for Our Antibody System
    Researches have shown that, when healthy people miss sleeping early their body will susceptible to infection. This is because at 9.00pm till 11.00pm de-toxification process in our lymph gland is occurring. This process must happen in calm situation. If someone still works during 9.00pm till 11.00 continuously, it will bring negative impact to his/her health. That’s why the research also shows that every hour of sleep we get before midnight is twice as beneficial as the hours after midnight.

    3 Going to Sleep Early is Good for the Metabolism

    There are some persons who have habit sleep too late after midnight and wake up too late till afternoon. They think it is all right as long as their sleeping duration is fulfilled. This thing will disorganize the exile of useless substances from our body. Our ability to sustain exertion is as vital to our health as what we eat and drink.

    4 Breakfast is Essential to Our Health

    In the morning, from 7.00am till 09.00 our intestines absorb nutrient from food. This means we must have breakfast. Research shows that for the sick people it is better to have breakfast before 06.30am. Breakfast is essential to our health. For they who cannot wake up early, it is good to have breakfast at 09.00 till 10.00am rather than not having breakfast at all. And very practically speaking, in order to be able to rise early in the morning to have breakfast, we have to get to bed early.

    5 Getting to Bed Too Late Will Have a Negative Impact on Our Performance

    There is no substitute for night sleep. Some people take a nap in the afternoon. It still cannot substitute the benefits we get when we sleep at night. Without enough sleeping in the night we lose our ability to concentrate and make complex decisions. Sufficient sleep at night is the foremost factor in a person’s ability to sustain a high performance level, cope with stress, and feel a sense of satisfaction in life. Getting enough sleep directly impacts our moods and emotions, our ability to think creatively and respond quickly.

    Saturday, June 5, 2010

    Considering for tomorrow event...

    Sukarnya mau buat keputusan...
    Semangat mau jmpa kawan2 tu memang kuat,
    Sy x yakin mau pigi...
    Takut mummy sy x kasi benar la,
    lw kna kasi bnr pun, kna soal siasat dulu...
    Teda kenderaan la,
    Lagi 1...
    Ada budget ka sy mw berjalan bisuk?

    Kawan2 sy mintak mahap lw sy teda bisuk kio...
    Tp, sy cuba jg utk dtg...
    Jmpa d parking bus bisuk jm 9...

    Wednesday, May 12, 2010

    Activities during exam till the end of it....

    We've done our final exam for this 3rd semester...
    Comparing all the final exams that we've been through,
    These exam, is the longest & quite difficult to sit...
    We have to attend for over 1 week to complete the paper that we have to sit...
    Starting from 3rd until 10th of May, then followed by 15th of May for English exam...
    Periodically, we have sat Pathology I, Pathology II, Community Health (Medicine), Research Methodology, Clinical Parasitology periodically...
    We're given rest for 2 days (Saturday & Sunday) before continuing the next challenging paper for
    mixture of 3 major subjects (both Pathology I & II, & Clinical Parasitology),
    also considered as OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination)...

    On 11th of May, means the day after final exam for OSPE, we have the opportunity to enjoy ourselves...
    We can do whatever we want!!!
    As usual, after the exam is over, I decided to go to City Parade @ Centre Point (known as CP)
    with some of my classmates...
    We only take a view of Kota Kinabalu city...
    3 of my friends were went to saloon...
    What else...
    They want to straighten their hair,
    by rebonding technique...
    so that theirs look beautiful & stylish..
    Amazing, right?
    Plus, our scholarship for that month has been banked-in into each of our account...

    The most happiest thing is our semester allowance also being bank in together with our monthly scholarship...
    So, the rest of my friends spend their money to buy stuffs that they love...
    And me???
    Most of my money I used it to play machinery games (cars, & KBox)...