Friday, October 30, 2009

Medical Laboratory Technologist professional code of conduct...(by Ivy Natalia)

As Medical Laboratory Technologist..we must follow this professional code of conduct..

First,we shall at all times exercise that degree of professional skill and care proper to our profession..

we shall not disclose to patients or other unauthorized persons information of a personal or confidential nature gained in the course of the practice of our profession..

We shall take such measures as may be reasonable to maintain and improve our profesional skill and knowledge..

We shall instruct in and encourage the study of MLT in so far as it will assist students under our charge..

We also all the time act in good faith towards our colleagues, the hospital or laboratory and all those with whom we stand in professional relationship..

We must recognize responsibilities to the community and the environment in protecting each from exposure to undue actual or potential medical laboratory technologist hazards..

Last but not least,we shall not engage knowingly in reseach for production or promotion of biological warfare agents.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

this is my topic in our ivy steven..

The disadvantages of learning science english..

In my opinion, learning science in english is not only give more advantages, but also give more disadvantages. firstly, when we are learning new things for example science in different language from malay language, it will somehow make us forget our real mother tongues. this is because it need us to speak in english even students or teachers.

secondly, it is not fair for the student which is no basic in english early. as we all know, all the sentences in science is greek for them and it is difficult for them to understand it. when this happen, they would spend a lot of money to buy a reference book and also a dictionary for science. what will happen if they dont have enough money? of course they cannot buy that book so they also cannot study this subject very well.

beside that, for the student in rural district who mainly malay, suffered the most because their english is profieciency was low. so they would also lost interest to learn science. this is because they cannot grasp all the topic in english. at the same time, they would also not learn english. when this happen, when the exam come soon, they cannot answer all the question. in addition, they also do not like to go to school because they dont want to study science. so the result for taht subject also would fall down. compared with the result for this subject in the past when it is still in malay, almost all student can answer the question very well. but when this subject have been change, the result also change more.

thats all from me..

Posting; CHERRY

I would like to share about my posting day at Queen Elizabeth Hospital(QEH).Our posting start from 12th of oct and fineshed on28th of oct..

There were many memories during the posting day.Everyday we went to QEH at 6.45 am and went home at 5.00 pm.We were divided into three groups.Every group must posting one section on each week.

On the first week,my group was in microbiology section.At there we had study many things for examples,reconized colony of bacteria,how to culture bacteria do smear and so on.

On the second week,we were in chemical pathology section.Staff in there were not much friendly like staff in microbiology section'But, we didn't mind about that.The enjoyable thing for me on that week is,when my friends and me study how to take blood blood from venous.There was the first time I tried it.

On the third week, we were in blood bank section.At there I felt very happy because I had a chance to follow QEH Public Health on 26th of oct at Greet Estern and I had some gift from that company.Besides that, I help the staff to do some work for took blood from donor.I'm felt very thank to the staffs because had teach me how to separate plasma from the blood,cross matching and ABO group.

I had study many things during the posting.I hope, I can come back to QEH on the next year.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

how we learn ivy steven..

english is our second language and it is very important for us to know it. where ever we go, we must speak in english because only english can help us to communicate with other people for example when we go to the other country. this is because they have their own language and we do not understand their language.
how we learn english? we just need a dictionary and some article which is in english and read it. if you're not understand the words, u can refer to the dictionary. besides that, we also can listening to the radio which is in english. listen how they pronounced each words and practice it. it is not enough to listen the radio only. we also can watch news in television, read magazine and also story book and try to understand what it means.
if you want to improve your speaking,try to speak with other people in english and dont be shy. dont worry about your pronounciation if you are first time to speak because after that your english will improve. in addtion, to improve our english, try to write something for example your diary or what ever notes in english..